How much can I give to maximize my tax credit with a TWO-YEAR pledge?

  • Single/Married Filing Separately: $1,333 | Tax Credit: $1,000
  • Married Filing Jointly: $2,667 | Tax Credit: $2,000
  • Qualified Business Entity: $133,333 | Tax Credit: $100,000
Thank you for your generous support!

New One Time Donation
Tax Filing Status
Single/Married filing separately
Married filing jointly
Not Filing in OK (not eligible for state tax credit)
Tax Filing Status
Qualified business
Not filing in OK (not eligible for state tax credit)

Create Account (optional)

If you would like, you can create an account below to save your information for future donations, download tax documents, and view past donations. If not, just skip this section. Already have an account? Sign in.

This information will only be used to contact you with any questions related to your donation and will not be shared.

* Oklahoma children who need immediate access to a new environment due to severe social, emotional, physical, spiritual, or educational needs will be considered for this fund if the school they would like to attend does not have the scholarship funds available.
Please indicate the status of this gift
I/We are fulfilling the second year of our two-year commitment
I/We are starting a new two-year commitment
* If I agree to make a two-year commitment, I agree to contribute the same donation dollar amount for two consecutive years (i.e., 2022 and 2023). In return, I will receive an Oklahoma tax credit equal to 75% of my donation within annual limitations

ALL checks MUST be mailed to the following address:

Opportunity Scholarship Fund
Attn: Gift Processing
7633 E 63rd Place, Suite 300, Tulsa, OK 74133

All donations must be POSTMARKED on or before December 31. The OK Tax Commission requires all Tax Credit Scholarship Programs (like OSF) to report all donations on January 10, of the following year, to be credited in the year donated.

Expiration Date

NOTE: To cover the cost of processing credit cards, a 3.0% charge will be added to your donation

Credit Card Fee

PayPal payment processed

Opportunity Scholarship Fund uses Stripe to securely link bank information and process ACH.

After submitting your information, you will be redirected to Stripe's payment page to complete your checkout.

Please have your broker transfer your marketable stocks, bonds, and mutual funds to: LPL Financial, DTC #0075, FBO of Opportunity Scholarship Fund, Acct. #5168-1056. Sharon Emerson ( is our account manager.

Businesses can use WIRE Donations to make direct deposits into a secure OSF account for donations equal to or greater than $4,000. Fill out our online form so that we can match your donation to your donor record. Then, provide your bank with the information below. (Most banks apply a small flat fee for the transaction)


Regent Bank

7136 S Yale Ave # 100, Tulsa, OK 74136

SBA/Routing: 103101356
